Thursday, June 10, 2010

Soldering, Setting, Drilling, Filing.... Addict

It's true! I can't get enough. Even find myself on a Thursday before a weekend out of town (to the Olympic Peninsula. going to be incredible) hesitating due to desires to create more.

Check out this sterling silver beauty.

We started with 16" gauge wire, pliers, a file, and a soldering torch. 7 hours later, voila! Going to take more pictures very soon. I also learned to make a solid clasp, which, as anyone who has ever lost a piece of jewelry knows, is invaluable.

Making things handmade can sometimes translate to a divine curse. You look around at things that are for sale and feel sick in your stomach with the knowledge of how simple a thing is to make yourself. The big screw you of today goes out to Tiffany's!

1 comment:

  1. yeah girl! now all i need is for you to cut me some diamonds. hehe just kidding. beautiful! i want to place a custom order soon. maybe some big hammered hoop earrings???
